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Showing posts from November, 2017

Giving & Thanks

Well....INSPO from one of my favorite bloggers whom I feel like I am friends with even though we have never met personally but we "follow" each other's lives from one big city to the other across the USA and engage with each other--- ALL THAT creepiness being said, her blog is  here .  ANYWAY, the whole point of that paragraph was that I felt, even though I rarely write/blog anymore, I should write a thankful/grateful post! I enjoy a good list so I will be listing these out- First and foremost, I don't care how gross you think I am but I am thankful for Almond Nog, Trader Joes' version of Almond Milk Egg Nog, don't know how it all works, but it's damn delicious and has been in my gingerbread ground coffee also from Trader Joes, every single morning this week!  Yes I am a sucker for seasonal flavors, I am what they call #basic, and I own it. AIR TRAVEL, even though I know LAX will be a complete cluster F tonight I am thankful that once I board...