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Oh HI.

Oh I'm sorry (to whoever actually reads these) I haven't written in 3 months. T H R E E.  Well, life happens.  It was Christmas and traveling then it was New Years (which I actually just don't really care about the older I get) then it was adjusting to 2017 and embracing a new year, there was also ya know, a new President, boyfriends birthday then it was Valentine's Day (:/) then it was....WHO KNOWS, but in between all of that I have had some JAM PACKED DAYS, oh yeah and my boyfriend and I officially live together now, so there was a lot of moving and packing and donating and selling of belongings.  Oh and I went to Hawaii for a week in there and I wish more then anything that a vacation like that could just be life and I went into a dumb, and silly, and probably normal, depressed & melancholy state the moment we touched down in LA after leaving Maui.  Luckily my boyfriend was next to me on the plane to help me cope, it always helps when you feel like that to have someone near by that you care about and vice versa (at least for my personality).

ANYWAY- Welcome 2017!  Here it is in all it's glory!  So far I have done well at following my goals.  I am cooking 2-3 new recipes a week, and it's so much fun, especially when I am now cooking for two so my leftovers don't go to waste.  I am running three times a week in training for my first half marathon (don't ask me why...) and I am trying to learn to be the most patient with my type A organized and clean personality with the newness of living with a boy who is the complete opposite.  It's been a riot.

Only 3 months in... we will see how this goes!


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