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Currently Edition 5

I am the worst.  I tried to be a blogger, tried to be a writer but I just don't have time, energy or enough creative juices going through my brain that are devoted to writing as of the last couple of years.  I don't know what it is, but it's ok! I  have been putting my energy toward making a home, cooking new recipes, life changes, PLANNING A WEDDING, basking in my best friends' wedding planning (I am a grooms-gal!) and enjoying living.  However, I do enjoy these Currently blog posts because it's fun to look back at what I happened to be into.... so here goes #5!


Well..I am a water FIEND. I'm telling you... I think I log just shy of a gallon every day.  Maybe I reach a gallon at least.  All I know is that my Swell water bottle is my pride and joy and goes with me every where.  And I frequent my offices water station so many times a day to a. get steps, b. move away from the computer screen and c. get that H2O in my system!

Also, my fiance has been making Tiki drinks! It has been so much fun.  He makes his own simple syrups from scratch and fresh squeezes all the citrus! It's nuts and I love it!  It definitely doesn't happen nightly because I don't drink during the week except for a special occasion, but Friday nights or Saturdays I am drinking those suckers!  Everything from a Navy Grog (Sinatra's signature drink!) to a Hurricane (can we say BYEEE! Because it is strong) but it has been so much fun taste testing and enjoying them together on a night in, which is pretty much what we do every night- stay IN.


 Healthy, clean & delicious! Eating healthy doesn't mean a chicken breast with a side of broccoli.  It means I can make so many different options and watch my portions and added sugars and saturated fats.  What is on the menu tonight? Two-ingredient pizza dough topped with Trader Joes Kale Pesto & Mushrooms and lite mozz cheese.  I will devour half and fiance the other half and won't feel a twinge of guilt because I know exactly what I am eating and am keeping track of my daily intake! It's been really fun to enjoy all foods, feel happy and also lose weight at the same time.  Thank you Weight Watchers.


60's pop playlist on Apple music. It's perfect for this Tuesday.


Well outside it's muggy, 85 and gross. Inside it's freezing so a sweatshirt with jeans and flip flops, casual month at work.


All the items at the Nordstrom sale! My cart is full and my budget says NO! UGH.


More like listening...on my god-awful commutes! Audible is my best friend.  Just finished A Simple Favor, which was creepy, weird and SO GOOD, and is going to be a movie in September with Blake Lively & Anna Kendrick.  Just started Something in the Water.  So far no huge opinions on it, it's interesting and based in London and focused on a couple who go on their honeymoon, scuba dive and SEE SOMETHING IN THE we shall see! Stay tuned.


I am re-watching Desperate Housewives that aired on ABC back in 2004-2009 roughly, I think?  Anyway, I was a HUGE fan of the drama and laughs and am loving re-watching it on Hulu!

That's all for now!


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