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Showing posts from August, 2014

Dating Handbook

I have a friend who is currently in the process of writing a book.  I won't disclose details because it's such a great idea I don't want anyone to steal it!  Anyway, I am heavily supporting, encouraging and offering my crazy input, grammar correction, etc. as he writes it.  He's a hilarious writer, I die every time I read an entry even though I know him & am biased, I know other's will love it, find it hysterical, and I can't wait for his world wide book tour and accompanying him, and I know he can't wait either...;) Anyway, in my world, I have been single for a long time.  Ready to mingle, for sure.  But single most definitely.  There have been a few weird in-betweeners, but you could say, safely, that I have not been IN a relationship since I was 19.  A decade, a DECADE of me time, a decade of not knowing what it's like to have someone in my life to call "mine". Or someone to spoil, dote, take me on dates, and all that sappy shit. A dec...

White Wine & Words of Wisdom

So at drinks tonight with one of the best people I know, I got a little inspiration to write. I obviously couldn't steal away and write, or whip out my iPhone right there, (rude). I tucked the inspiration to the back burner and waited until I safely made it to my house. Side note, LA parking is a fucking bitch. I parked on my street, which is always a plus, however, two spots down was a parking sign for, "No parking after 6:30am." So the nervous-don't-want-to-waste-money-on-parking-tickets part of me (I mean who ever wants to risk spending money on parking tickets?!) has set her alarm for 6:18am so she can book it to her car and move it to street parking that's not going to waste her money.  I love my life, but I do not love that I don't have parking at my home, but I must remain calm, this is my first Los Angeles home. This also means I will have to get dressed, FML. Which most definitely includes putting on a bra because lord knows, the "girls" c...


So, the sentimental me is reallllllyyyyyy having serious "feels" today.  Tomorrow marks one 12 month, exact, to a tee, year.  365 days, 56 weeks, 12 months, a lot of minutes, hours, blood, sweat, and tears.  OK, no blood, except tiny little bits when I had Juvederm injected into my nose, sweat, absolutely yes, when I screwed up a couple of times, tears, only once, and for a ridiculous reason and well, you know I was having an emotional few days, you understand.  Anyway, after that run-on sentence, it's my one-year-anniversary of my job! That I adore with a whole heart. I have learned SEVERAL that people are crazy in this town and yes, you do actually need botox if you want to continue to look unworried.  And yes, you could use a some bigger (or smaller) boobs. Now this sounds like I work in a superficial world, I do, but it is a fantastic world and also, I work for the BEST practice.  Most down-to-earth-doctor around.  Love my co-work...