Don't have a lot to complain about often, but sometimes you just never know when something is going to creep up on you and make you go CRAZY and nearly explode and then lead to fifty thousand other things rubbing you all the wrong way and driving you absolutely BATTY. Sometimes I feel just like I imagine my teapot feeling when it's been on the stove WHISTLING at me for far too long and soon it may explode if I don't do something about it. COMMUNICATION---- I am a girl of many words. But lately I am finding the communication with others around me is just non-existent, whether it be at my job, appointments I make, friends, friends' relationships, my boyfriend (love him but...remembering things I tell him or forgetting to tell me about important things- not his strong suit) or anywhere in between it just MAKES ME CRAZY. PHONES IN MOVIES---- TWO movies I went to last weekend (Beauty and the Beast special screening of the animated Disney classic & Bridget Jones...
thoughts, feelings, opinions, rants, raves and nothings from a girl who just wants to write for no reason