So a man just walked into the coffeebean I'm at, which is on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills, and announced just like this, "good morning everyone! I am a piece of shit!" No one paid any attention to him. He was clearly homeless, and probably just hungry and has misplaced his marbles somewhere. He proceeded to say that talking bad about himself out loud will make people want to be his friend because they will feel better about themselves. He was then escorted out by an employee. What I'd like to know is who in the world taught him that notion? How sad to think that putting yourself down will attract people that will be your friend. Poor guy.
It's Friday! And hot damn August is almost over. I don't even know where it went. Down some avenue away to some imaginary land I presume. Ever since April I don't even know what I've been doing. Traveling to Los Angeles a hell of a lot to hang out with people, explore, see stand up, eat, drink and be merry. It's been rather eye-opening and you could say I grew, and sort of changed in these last four months. Changed as in became who I think I will be. Each day brings a new experience to my life. Gosh I wish I had a POV camera on me so I could remember things. Or maybe I don't. Really wondering where the next four months will take me. What things will I see and do? Who will I meet? The next four weeks are going to be absolutely hellish. Committing five days a week to LA, moving to LA, saying good byes to people I don't want to say goodbye to. Hopefully successfully venturing into a city and path that is right for me.
There's a thing I've been doing for the past four months that I'm feeling like I shouldn't be doing anymore and it's a struggle that I couldn't stop thinking about in my 1.5 hour drive this morning. Hopefully some things will come clear to me. As each day passes I more and more think I need to end what it is that I'm doing. This is a confusing paragraph as it will only makes sense to me. Like I said ADD!! Ha. It will be shown to me as more time passes I know. But until then, my mind is starting to think about it a lot. Which I've been telling it not to for four months. Meh, it's probably just today and tomorrow I"ll be over it.
On a different note, I have a cousin getting married out of the blue next weekend. She's 19. I have so many words about that but that can be another post. Just had to share some random thoughts.
Happy Friday! Remember, you're NOT a piece of shit.
Peace loves,
It's Friday! And hot damn August is almost over. I don't even know where it went. Down some avenue away to some imaginary land I presume. Ever since April I don't even know what I've been doing. Traveling to Los Angeles a hell of a lot to hang out with people, explore, see stand up, eat, drink and be merry. It's been rather eye-opening and you could say I grew, and sort of changed in these last four months. Changed as in became who I think I will be. Each day brings a new experience to my life. Gosh I wish I had a POV camera on me so I could remember things. Or maybe I don't. Really wondering where the next four months will take me. What things will I see and do? Who will I meet? The next four weeks are going to be absolutely hellish. Committing five days a week to LA, moving to LA, saying good byes to people I don't want to say goodbye to. Hopefully successfully venturing into a city and path that is right for me.
There's a thing I've been doing for the past four months that I'm feeling like I shouldn't be doing anymore and it's a struggle that I couldn't stop thinking about in my 1.5 hour drive this morning. Hopefully some things will come clear to me. As each day passes I more and more think I need to end what it is that I'm doing. This is a confusing paragraph as it will only makes sense to me. Like I said ADD!! Ha. It will be shown to me as more time passes I know. But until then, my mind is starting to think about it a lot. Which I've been telling it not to for four months. Meh, it's probably just today and tomorrow I"ll be over it.
On a different note, I have a cousin getting married out of the blue next weekend. She's 19. I have so many words about that but that can be another post. Just had to share some random thoughts.
Happy Friday! Remember, you're NOT a piece of shit.
Peace loves,
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