I am no feminist, or at least not an activist for feminism, but I just read the most interesting article. Someone started a tweet chat where they asked men 16 questions of situations that women experience nearly on the daily- down to texting your friend that you got home safely, because this legitimately is something that women have to do. It was so interesting to me to see how these things are actually ever present in my everyday life.
Being a woman- means you DO have to watch your back, you do have to carry pepper spray, or even a small knife with you. It means walking on streets late at night that there is a chance for something bad to happen.
It means that people can blame your emotions on "that time of the month." THIS is a big one for me. I am allowed to be upset, cry, or express anything I want via tears or with haste if it is upsetting, and NO it doesn't mean it's that time of the month.
It means there is a chance that your ideas at work may be looked at as "cute" or "silly." It means when you say something you really have an opinion about, people may not take you seriously.
One thing I hate, more recently, is being called a bitch or told that I am acting bitchy. Even if it's by a friend. It cuts to my core. Do men say that to each other? No. Why is it ok to say it to me? It sticks with me all day and it makes me question myself. I wasn't being bitchy, I was experiencing something that bothered me or I spoke in a tone that made it seem that way, but I didn't mean to and I am not a bitch. Don't even get me started on the whole, "resting bitch face." While I know I can be short, have an attitude, etc, I am NOT a bitch, that is not a trait that I list when describing myself. I don't know what it is but it gets to me, and I know this is something more women, then men experience.
Catcalling was another topic- this doesn't happen to me constantly but I have had my fair share...who gives them the right to this? How is it ok?
Anyway, just a mini rant, thought process I have been thinking as of late.
If you are interested the article is really good and you should read it.
Being a woman- means you DO have to watch your back, you do have to carry pepper spray, or even a small knife with you. It means walking on streets late at night that there is a chance for something bad to happen.
It means that people can blame your emotions on "that time of the month." THIS is a big one for me. I am allowed to be upset, cry, or express anything I want via tears or with haste if it is upsetting, and NO it doesn't mean it's that time of the month.
It means there is a chance that your ideas at work may be looked at as "cute" or "silly." It means when you say something you really have an opinion about, people may not take you seriously.
One thing I hate, more recently, is being called a bitch or told that I am acting bitchy. Even if it's by a friend. It cuts to my core. Do men say that to each other? No. Why is it ok to say it to me? It sticks with me all day and it makes me question myself. I wasn't being bitchy, I was experiencing something that bothered me or I spoke in a tone that made it seem that way, but I didn't mean to and I am not a bitch. Don't even get me started on the whole, "resting bitch face." While I know I can be short, have an attitude, etc, I am NOT a bitch, that is not a trait that I list when describing myself. I don't know what it is but it gets to me, and I know this is something more women, then men experience.
Catcalling was another topic- this doesn't happen to me constantly but I have had my fair share...who gives them the right to this? How is it ok?
Anyway, just a mini rant, thought process I have been thinking as of late.
If you are interested the article is really good and you should read it.
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