Random Post But I Love It. I wish I worked for Buzzfeed and need to find out if I can freelance for it. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be an author...I have several unfinished projects and several finished ones as well. I love being single, not sure if that's because I am just really good at it or... I also love to make out, so that makes the single part a weird love I have big boobs and they drive me effing crazy, for example, I was walking down Wilshire Blvd in BEVERLY HILLS today and my button on my denim shirt....had bust open so I was showing all the cars a full-bust-show. You're welcome men in Mazerati's, Bentley's, and others. You are welcome. I drive a VW Bug, and I feel like I own the world because of it. I have wanted one since I first laid eyes on them. I LOVE beer. Love it. I just need to broaden my palette. I am currently listening to How Can You Mend A Broken Heart, by Al Green, it depresses me none, but I am not sure why I am listening to it. I...
thoughts, feelings, opinions, rants, raves and nothings from a girl who just wants to write for no reason