Dear ,
This is a letter to whomever it concerns. It is a letter to my younger self, to my future self, to my friends, to my family, to the people that I adore with all my heart, to the people that I want to see the light, to the people that have come and gone, to anyone that has the patience to put up with my ADD writing.
Almost 3 decades in this world and what have I learned? How does one even start this.
This is a letter to whomever it concerns. It is a letter to my younger self, to my future self, to my friends, to my family, to the people that I adore with all my heart, to the people that I want to see the light, to the people that have come and gone, to anyone that has the patience to put up with my ADD writing.
Almost 3 decades in this world and what have I learned? How does one even start this.
- Boys are annoying when you're 16, they're still annoying when you're 28, however you can definitely tolerate their behavior with some experience under your belt.
- "Hooking-up", has several meanings.
- If you have morals, stick with them but cut loose from time-to-time.
- If you want to be happy, you have to do what will make you happy. If that means giving up some HUGE THINGS, then that means giving up some huge things.
- If you love someone, be with them.
- Be brave. All it takes is four seconds of gumption to face a fear, do it. Say what you have to say, do what you have to do.
- Don't shop when under any influence... dangerous.
- If there is a restaurant you want to go to, a museum, a movie you want to see, it's OK to go alone, people really, truly, do not care that you are sitting alone at a table. If they do, why do you care, there are billions of people in this world, when will you see them again?
- There is nothing wrong with looking up inspirational/motivational/encouraging quotes on Google. It can change the direction of your mood in under a minute, so why not?
- It's OK to spend an entire Sunday, watching TV/movies and not moving from your bed/couch.
- It's OK to be scared or intimidated by someone you are interested in, but try not to let it cloud who you are, when you are in fact around them.
- Making out is still just as fun as when you were a dumb teenager who went behind the school (since you went to private school and PDA was frowned upon) to do it for hours until your friends "basketball game" was over. Yes, I did that.
- If you have the opportunity to travel or study abroad, while in college, please, PLEASE take full advantage.
- Your mom is actually really, truly, smart. She knows what she is talking about, even when you're 28 and you HATE admitting that.
- Keep money in your savings account. You never know when you will need to have some retail therapy, buy some new tires, or decide you want to buy a groupon trip and go to Mexico for 4 days.
- Music will ALWAYS uplift you(whether it is a sad or happy uplift is dependent on you). Music makes you feel productive, it ups your mood, or mellows it, or gives you what you need. Or if you need a good cry and listen to the right song, it will help with that too.
- Be there for your friends, but don't forget that they are there for you too and if you need to vent, do it.
- Don't be friends with drama. She's not fun, she's a bitch, she's exhausting, and she's toxic. Where there's drama, there's disaster.
- Be you.
- If you feel like cussing, do it. Sometimes, many times, it's necessary.
- Speak for yourself. If you THINK you did or didn't say or do something, let it be known.
- Don't be a door mat.
- If you are 30 and still don't have it all figured it out, it's OK but you should definitely start to figure it out.
- Everyone's life timeline is different. Don't focus on someone else's and think it counts for yours, it definitely doesn't.
- Whatever you are, be a good one. (That is from Abraham Lincoln).
- Read. People HATE reading and I cannot figure out why.
- Write your experiences. Document them in photo, social media or written form. Don't you want to look back at your life when you're 70 and say "hey, I did some crazy-ass-shit!" ?
- Embrace new people that come into your life, they come in for a reason. If they bring an ounce of positive, embrace it, if they bring excitement jump in it, if they bring a little fun, do it. Just see what it brings and love it. If it brings nothing, don't be afraid to dismiss it, not rudely of course.
- Watch movies. It is such a good mind release, you learn something, you get sad, angry, laugh, love, and wish your life was that, which yes, can be depressing. But it is still fun.
- Live somewhere exciting, crazy and scary for a portion of your life.
- You will be broke at some points in your life, don't worry! It gets better!
- Try your hardest not to take advantage of people, especially if they love you.
This will definitely be continued...but I feel like it's a good start.
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