Just some things that drive this girl batty- LA DRIVERS- Sometimes I think I need my own reality show (pause for hysterics) but seriously, like just when I am driving in my car. Can we talk about Los Angeles drivers (literally as I typed that sentence I hear a symphony of car horns on the street below my office window) they are the WORST, although when I was in NYC I feared for my life in the cab, more then once.... BUT LA! I MEAN HOLY CRAP. I am from Seattle- the traffic there is a fraction of the traffic here, and at the appropriate times- morning, and evening. Traffic in LA happens at 7AM, 8am, 11am, 1PM, 3PM, 5PM, 6PM, 7PM, 8PM, and etc etc etc etc. It is one of the main of a small amount of reasons I hate this city, the lack of transportation and how the geography is laid out. If you live in West LA, and I live in East, you can forget hanging out until Saturdays or Sundays. When I was on dating apps (SO glad those days are over...
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