So today marks my 5th day in a row that I've gotten up at the crack of dawn, gotten ready for the day hopped in my lovely vehicle and hit the road for the 74 miles to Beverly Hills. Yes people, I survived the commute for five full days in a row. I've put around 700 miles on my car and spent over 100 bucks on gasoline, that hurts the most. Sucks so bad. The morning is my favorite, I have patience, it's quiet, it's just me and the road, and 10 million others doing the same thing. It's the evening commute that just brings out anger in me that I never knew I had. I cuss, I hit my steering wheel, I yell at fellow super dumb ass drivers, I'm sure my blood pressure sky rockets. But I haven't crashed into anything and I haven't died, so I guess week one is not so bad. Today I fly out of LAX (hate that airport) to Portland for the weekend for a giant family reunion with all my cousins, my parents, sister, new nephew, grandparents, etc. I cannot wait to get o...
thoughts, feelings, opinions, rants, raves and nothings from a girl who just wants to write for no reason