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Showing posts from August, 2013

I Survived and Didn't Die!!!!

So today marks my 5th day in a row that I've gotten up at the crack of dawn, gotten ready for the day hopped in my lovely vehicle and hit the road for the 74 miles to Beverly Hills. Yes people, I survived the commute for five full days in a row.  I've put around 700 miles on my car and spent over 100 bucks on gasoline, that hurts the most. Sucks so bad.  The morning is my favorite, I have patience, it's quiet, it's just me and the road, and 10 million others doing the same thing. It's the evening commute that just brings out anger in me that I never knew I had.  I cuss, I hit my steering wheel, I yell at fellow super dumb ass drivers, I'm sure my blood pressure sky rockets. But I haven't crashed into anything and I haven't died, so I guess week one is not so bad. Today I fly out of LAX (hate that airport) to Portland for the weekend for a giant family reunion with all my cousins, my parents, sister, new nephew, grandparents, etc. I cannot wait to get o...

Good Morning Everyone...!

So a man just walked into the coffeebean I'm at, which is on Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills, and announced just like this, "good morning everyone! I am a piece of shit!" No one paid any attention to him. He was clearly homeless, and probably just hungry and has misplaced his marbles somewhere. He proceeded to say that talking bad about himself out loud will make people want to be his friend because they will feel better about themselves. He was then escorted out by an employee. What I'd like to know is who in the world taught him that notion? How sad to think that putting yourself down will attract people that will be your friend.  Poor guy. It's Friday! And hot damn August is almost over. I don't even know where it went. Down some avenue away to some imaginary land I presume. Ever since April I don't even know what I've been doing. Traveling to Los Angeles a hell of a lot to hang out with people, explore, see stand up, eat, drink and be merry. It...

What's the point? Literally, seriously.

I've come to the realization that I cannot handle "emo" people. Mostly, and especially if they are male, and past the age of 30. Grow up and get over whatever it is that fuc*ed you up. Or if you can't, hide it until you can deal with it personally. Don't portray it through all the forms of communication you have, like social networking, that is the absolute worst when I see a tweet, facebook status or whatever social avenue they've gone down to write some bull shi* sob story that sounds like a 16 year old girl who is nothing but drama and wanting attention. Also, if you do in fact have a problem, do something about it. Get out of your damn rut and move on and forward. In my 27 years, (yes not many and I have tons to learn) I have realized that I am the only person in the entire world that can make me happy. If I'm not happy with myself I can't be happy with anyone whether its in a relationship or friendship or just a casual meet and greet, any nothin...

End of an Era

You could say we are the three best friends that anyone has ever had. We are inseparable, we know far too much about each others lives and if we go somewhere without one of us, it confuses people who know us.  We all three bring something different to the table. We've all known each other for years. We've all followed each other to socal, we've all decided to move to three different towns and I am truly broken hearted about it. Don't get me wrong, I know there comes a time when every one has to go their own way but it is rough. They are my family, as I don't have any down here, my support systems, my every thing. But we are all in our mid-late twenties and its time to go where we want to be. One to LA, one to Ventura, and one to Colorado. Obviously I'm the one going to the scary and ginormous big city. And Ventura is only 60ish miles away. But Colorado is far. It's hard but such is life as I find myself saying a ton these days. When you find a friends...

Iced Coffee & The Human Race

So every morning before work I stop at the Coffee Bean down the way from my office. It's the perfect location. Stick a few quarters in the meter and head on in.  There are your average business looking people, as this is a business district, and then there are those that have been at yoga or exericising, or the real snooty (pardon my judgement) type who are on their phone the whole time while ordering, prepping their coffee and just standing around on their phone, in the way of every one around them, unbeknownced to the fact of course. It's a good thing I have been awake and coherent, and driving for 2.5 hours or I'd get really impatient. I'm finding my patience are much higher and happier anytime before about 3:30pm. Then I get agitated with the littlest things and tolerance level goes way down.  You can tell who the snooty ones are because of their mannerisms and dress. Chins held high, designer obvious clothes and just a demeanor like they're the absolute shi...

No title needed

I'm really bad at coming up with titles in the beginning so this one will have none. I'm also terrible at writing unless feeling ultimately inspired, but when I am inspired, mostly when I have a glass or two of wine in me, or just experiencing something that needs to be dealt with through writing, the most brilliant things can come from my mouth, it's absolutely crazy. I always thought I'd be a writer. Maybe I still will. I used to want to write screenplays. Maybe I will. Much like my personality, full of ADD, I am certain my writing will jump around like no tomorrow. I have a short attention span a lot of the time and I exhaust people. Don't get me wrong, I'm a bit OCD and very organized as well. I like neatness and tidy areas, I have to have things a certain way, but when I'm out of my comfort zone or feeling discouraged I can be a mess. A hot hot mess. Like lately, a lot of uncertainty right now in my life. But I do know this:  I just got an incredibl...