I've come to the realization that I cannot handle "emo" people. Mostly, and especially if they are male, and past the age of 30. Grow up and get over whatever it is that fuc*ed you up. Or if you can't, hide it until you can deal with it personally. Don't portray it through all the forms of communication you have, like social networking, that is the absolute worst when I see a tweet, facebook status or whatever social avenue they've gone down to write some bull shi* sob story that sounds like a 16 year old girl who is nothing but drama and wanting attention.
Also, if you do in fact have a problem, do something about it. Get out of your damn rut and move on and forward. In my 27 years, (yes not many and I have tons to learn) I have realized that I am the only person in the entire world that can make me happy. If I'm not happy with myself I can't be happy with anyone whether its in a relationship or friendship or just a casual meet and greet, any nothing will bring me happiness, no place, no toy, zip. If I don't like something or someone, I change it or don't see them anymore. If they bring something to my life great, if they or it doesn't, peace. The older I get the more picky I've become. I am extremely, extremely open minded and one of my favorite things lately is meeting new people, as I've never really ventured outside my element. So it's all new to me and I'm loving it, but if you're crazy or rely on me in ways that I feel overwhelmed, right from the start that will be the end of whatever it is that's going on.
I cannot have people in my life that have to have their hands held. I've learned that I am quite independent and very happy going and doing and seeing on my own. Of course I love the company of someone but only if they also have that same mentality and don't need me to guide them around whatever they're doing. Don't get me wrong, I can be shy and easily intimidated and there are those people that make me nervous as hell but mostly I do all right.
So just a miniature rant today on this gloomy, chilly Tuesday from Beverly Hills. I sound so bitter(I'm generally about the most positive upbeat person you'll meet) but this is actually something I have been dealing with lately with someone. Stop complaining, grow up and make your life what you want it to be. Otherwise, really, what the hell is the point?!
Peace babes.
Also, if you do in fact have a problem, do something about it. Get out of your damn rut and move on and forward. In my 27 years, (yes not many and I have tons to learn) I have realized that I am the only person in the entire world that can make me happy. If I'm not happy with myself I can't be happy with anyone whether its in a relationship or friendship or just a casual meet and greet, any nothing will bring me happiness, no place, no toy, zip. If I don't like something or someone, I change it or don't see them anymore. If they bring something to my life great, if they or it doesn't, peace. The older I get the more picky I've become. I am extremely, extremely open minded and one of my favorite things lately is meeting new people, as I've never really ventured outside my element. So it's all new to me and I'm loving it, but if you're crazy or rely on me in ways that I feel overwhelmed, right from the start that will be the end of whatever it is that's going on.
I cannot have people in my life that have to have their hands held. I've learned that I am quite independent and very happy going and doing and seeing on my own. Of course I love the company of someone but only if they also have that same mentality and don't need me to guide them around whatever they're doing. Don't get me wrong, I can be shy and easily intimidated and there are those people that make me nervous as hell but mostly I do all right.
So just a miniature rant today on this gloomy, chilly Tuesday from Beverly Hills. I sound so bitter(I'm generally about the most positive upbeat person you'll meet) but this is actually something I have been dealing with lately with someone. Stop complaining, grow up and make your life what you want it to be. Otherwise, really, what the hell is the point?!
Peace babes.
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