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No title needed

I'm really bad at coming up with titles in the beginning so this one will have none. I'm also terrible at writing unless feeling ultimately inspired, but when I am inspired, mostly when I have a glass or two of wine in me, or just experiencing something that needs to be dealt with through writing, the most brilliant things can come from my mouth, it's absolutely crazy. I always thought I'd be a writer. Maybe I still will. I used to want to write screenplays. Maybe I will.

Much like my personality, full of ADD, I am certain my writing will jump around like no tomorrow. I have a short attention span a lot of the time and I exhaust people. Don't get me wrong, I'm a bit OCD and very organized as well. I like neatness and tidy areas, I have to have things a certain way, but when I'm out of my comfort zone or feeling discouraged I can be a mess. A hot hot mess. Like lately, a lot of uncertainty right now in my life.

But I do know this:  I just got an incredible, incredible, new job that I love so far. I am four days in. It's awesome and I am acquiring knowledge on topics I never thought I would be interested in. I also know that I am falling in love with Los Angeles. Can people fall in love with that city?! It's ginormous, I've barely dug my claws in but what I know about it so far is it is full of surprise. Full of culture, full of people. Never quiets down, never sleeps. Full of superficial beings and places and full of dreams that are crushed on the daily. Full of reality, full of cynicism, full of irresponsibility and full of absolute craze. Full of life. Endless activities. A time and a place for just about anything you ever want to do. I've been told I will get jaded, but until then, my heart leaps every time I see that skyline. Probably because for the first time I am excited for the unknown. I'm excited to venture into a world I never thought would become mine. I am excited for the new people that are yet to come into my life. I'm scared as hell and currently experiencing the highest levels of stress that no one under 35 should experience.

Someone, who I think is amazing and definitely knows his shit, plus he has lived the LA life for quite some time, told me recently, "you have your whole life ahead of you, go f#*% around with it." And at that moment I knew he was absolutely right. I just need to worry about the now. I'm going to have one billion let downs, life isn't meant to be easy. It's a learning experience and you have to work your ass off to get what you truly want. And only you can get it, and only you know what's right for you. But then I get all deep and wonder what is even the meaning of this life!? That's a whole other ball game.

Peace bitches.


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