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Because, New York Part 5

You know for only being in NYC a few days, I sure have a lot of 'parts'.  But that is who I am as a person, a lot of 'parts' with a very loud mind but quiet-er demeanor.  I love me.


I ended on Thursday night, after seeing my fabulous Broadway show!

Friday morning rolled around.  I slept HARD Thursday night.  I am not one to sleep through people bustling around a hotel room, I generally wake up.  But I woke up at 10:00AM! My best friend had already headed to work for the day and the other two were almost ready for the day! I jumped out of bed and felt so bad for them not waking me, they said I was sleeping face planted into my pillow and they didn't want to disturb sleep that hard, ha!  Plus, we had only met the day before so, I get it, they didn't know if they should wake me or not.

But anyway, I threw myself together and we headed out to find bagels, and wanted to have "Breakfast at Tiffany's".  The bagel hunt was hard!  We couldn't find any, I am sorry, we are in NYC and there aren't bagels?  People must be watching their carbs I guess...anyway we finally found bagels, and coffee and headed to 5th Ave. To eat our breakfast, and of course, capture it on our iPhones' camera.  

We then headed to our first Subway experience to go over to the meat packing district! So much fun.  We had lunch at Catch, fabulous place.  We then explored the West Village, Chelsea Market, Meat Packing District. We walked to the Hudson River and could see the Freedom Tower for the first time and New Jersey!

Stairs of a West Village apartment!

Love the cobblestone streets in West Village

The Love Sign- perfect for photos.  In mid-town. 
First Glimpse of the Freedom Tower!

Us and the Hudson and Freedom Tower

Loved all the buildings!

View from The Highline in meat packing!

In Meat Packing District!

Meat Packing

More stairway posing in West Village!

West Village

New Jersey!

Chelsea Market was AMAZING!

Inside Chelsea

We then headed to the subway after a day of exploring Meat Packing.  I wanted to see Macy's on 34th street, because, New York.  Not only did we get to see the most amazing Christmas window displays, decor, but the Empire State Building too! Heaven.   

Empire State Building!

Window display in Macy's!

Inside Macy's! Amazing!

Loved all the windows!

34th Street!

SO this post is basically a photo album...... you are welcome.  After we explored all of the above...exhausting but amazing, we went back to the hotel to shower and wait for our friend to return so we could plan our dinner outings and festivities of our Friday night!

Couldn't beat seeing this sight!

Rockefeller Tree!

Drinks before dinner!

Loved all the Christmas decor!

Best travel buddies!

Coolest EVER!

Dinner at KTCHN

Some of the best people to have spent this trip with!

Out and about in NYC!

Besties in NYC!
AND scene for day 2!


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