Oh hey Monday... Like any other day after Sunday you arrive as sure as the sun coming up. I am usually not a "case of the Mondays" person, I could care less, it's just another day of the week, it just happens to be the first one back to normality and routine after two days of sleeping in, relaxing, drinking, playing, having fun, and not thinking about work, mostly. Any way, so usually, I don't really get bothered by a Monday.
Today- much different.
I fucking hate my upstairs neighbor who may think he is a DJ because I swear all he does is march around, like legit stomping, and playing music with the loudest bass. I have complained to my landlord more then once in 12 months and I have banged on my ceiling and walls. Last night was the icing on the cake for a mood topper. I have a lot going on right now and I tried to go to sleep early. Took a Benadryl(spell check wanted this word to be balladry, wtf!?) but not even that helped....sure enough, 11:30 PM rolls around and I hear his damn music. Anyway, so that happened. Then I couldn't sleep, and then right as I assume I have entered the deep part of my sleep(around 2:00 AM), I have nightmares. Horrifying ones. I need ambien.
Then I wake up and have to go to Target before work...my coffee to-go mug is leaking all over my clothes that I am supposed to wear to a Bris this afternoon that is in a synagogue. I hit my hand on my window really hard thinking it's open to get a parking ticket (blonde moment)...maybe it is unsafe for me to leave my house without fully waking up, I blame it on my to-go mug leaking and me no longer drinking my coffee prepped by my most perfect Keurig. That I have named Regina. Don't ask. My target run was flawless, shockingly. No one is at WeHo target at 8:00AM on Monday, and it is MLK day...so no one is out of their homes except those of us that work for medical practices which don't close on 'minor' holidays....
I mean... what a great way to end a weekend a start a new week, amiright?
On a bright note, there was no traffic today, the sun is out. And I only work a half day. Not enough brights to outshine the dark currently.
Is it Friday yet? Better yet, am I 60 and retired yet?
This is my day today.
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