Have you ever gone on a date, or even just exchanged phone numbers, texts or see each other, hit it off, flirt, etc, and then POOF, the guy just DISAPPEARS....!? I think we all have, unfortunately. If you are in the dating world it will happen eventually if it hasn't already. Sorry! Where do they go? I have a theory that they must have died. Or they have a retreat they all gather at, sit around and drink some beers and watch sports and have a good laugh about all the girls they have left hanging. Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are plenty of girls who have done this before as well, but MOSTLY it's guys, as I know from personal experience, every dating movie, TV show (hello SATC), and girlfriend I have. Who tells them they have a right to do this? A secret bad dating angel who whispers it into their ear when they enter the world from the womb? Is there a book they read and not tell us about? WHY!? What gives them the ri...
thoughts, feelings, opinions, rants, raves and nothings from a girl who just wants to write for no reason