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Currently-Edition 3

December is in FULL swing and it is lovely.  I have done so many fun activities that have been so festive and joyful.  There are no bah-humbugs here! I even put up a Christmas tree for the FIRST time this year! So exciting, you have no idea.  I packed up my ornaments from my parents' house in Seattle and shipped em on down! So here we go with Currently-Edition 3. Woohoo!

Here it is, nestled in the corner of my sweet, studio apartment!  


Dry January is fast approaching, I will be doing a massive health kick as I am going to Hawaii on January 27th and I need to feel a little if you will? ;) So currently I am enjoying all beverages.  I try not to drink alcohol during the week but that is difficult given all the holiday festivities including my office party that is tomorrow night & a friend's 30th birthday celebration that is Friday! EEK! So a lot of water and the normal coffee routine during the weeks.


Healthy! TRYING!  Getting daily treats from patients at work and Trader Joes has these dark chocolate covered peppermint OREO type cookies. HEAVEN & HELL in one box.  So strict eating during the week with 1-2 treats from wherever they show up and working out every day. BLAH.
Side note: tried a new restaurant on Sunday (do I need to do a restaurant blog? YES)....
Sotto (click link to see the divinity that is this restaurant!) was it's name, actually saw the main guy from NCIS... haha.  It was a fancy shmance place but absolutely delicious.  We went with our foodie friends and they know how to pick the entrees, appetizers, desserts, etc and we just share.  It was SO GOOD.  We are talking risotto, flat bread pizzas, roasted chicken, smoked olive oil to dip bread in, cannoli for dessert, cocktails AND red wine.  This meal was no joke.  Loved it!


Zooey Deshanel "Baby It's Cold Outside,"  and it is heaven.


My most recent, absolute FAVORITE purchase is my ice blue, satin, pleated midi skirt that I will be wearing for tomorrow night's holiday party.  Oh yes.  The one I ordered is here and it is GORGEOUS!


Well, 'tis the season of Christmas lists and giving and receiving.  I am sure Santa knows what I want this year..... ;)


Well, I finished a new book since the last post, "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult.  I give this book 5 VERY BIG stars.  It was excellent, eye opening, sad, happy, and mesmerizing.  Highly, HIGHLY recommend.  It was a learning experience for me to read this book and I am so thankful for it.  Learn more here!!


So the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead was CRAZY.  I also binged and LOVED Westworld on HBO, seriously, blew my mind and I am a little upset that we have to wait until 2018 to watch season 2!? Say what??? Loving Divorce and so happy it picked up for a second season, SJP is just brilliant.  This Is Us winter finale was gut wrenching good.  That show is seriously incredible, I have not been disappointed once.  WATCH IT!

So...this 'Currently' was a little more short and sweet- but I hope you enjoyed it! XOXO, Happy Holidays, and see you next year!


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